New ETD resource from Texas A&M

Texas A&M online ETD tutorialsThe Texas A&M Thesis Office has released a set of online tutorials on the steps graduate students must take to format and submit their theses online. The set of online videos includes instructions for using Vireo, the Texas Digital Library’s electronic thesis and dissertation (ETD) submission and management system.

The following is from the announcement released by Texas A&M:

In order to provide additional service and assistance for graduate students preparing a thesis, dissertation or record of study, the Thesis Office now offers an Online Pre-Submittal Conference utilizing video and detailed instructions. Students should visit the Thesis Office website at to participate in the Online Pre-Submittal Conference.  Laura Hammons, Thesis Office director, said, “I’m truly excited by the flexibility this new online resource affords students who are unable to come in person to the Thesis Office, or those who would like additional support in the preparation of their manuscript.” Students are highly encouraged to review the tutorial before the writing phase of their program. The online videos will cover required forms, deadlines, and formatting for each section of the student’s manuscript. Once a student has a scheduled defense date, then they can sign up for a face-to-face conference with the Thesis Office staff. For any questions about the online tutorial or to schedule a face-to-face Pre-Submittal Conference, please contact the Thesis Office at (979) 845-2225 or email Please print and post a flyer about the Online Pre-Submittal Conference in your office or department area (attached or PDF link).

Posted in Texas Digital Library, TxETDA, Useful resources, Vireo
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