TDL software development team completes tenth TxLOR sprint

TxLOR logoTexas Digital Library developers held a sprint review on Tuesday, July 20, during which they demonstrated work completed during a one-week sprint devoted to the Texas Learning Object Repository (TxLOR). The demonstration capped the tenth sprint devoted to TxLOR, and the third TxLOR sprint focused on polishing (or “hardening”) the software in preparation for a Fall 2010 release.

Under a contract with the University of Texas System, the TDL is developing software for a statewide learning object repository, which will store and disseminate materials used in teaching and learning. The team uses Scrum, a software development methodology that breaks work into short iterations (or “sprints”), each of which delivers a prioritized set of functional requirements.

In Sprint 10, TDL developers added a full set of metadata fields for each submitted learning object. The schema includes required and optional fields, and any metadata submitted with a learning object or asset will be visible in the DSpace repository that will hold and disseminate published items.

TDL developer Otto Fox led the Sprint 10 Review, which was held via teleconference and online. Attendees included Junius Rowland, TxLOR Project Manager; Michael Anderson of the University of Texas System; Mark McFarland, co-director of the Texas Digital Library; and members of the TDL staff.

With the completion of the TxLOR sprint, the TDL development team turns its attention again to the TDL Preservation Network. The current PresNet sprint is focused on infrastructure work that will facilitate more efficient and robust development.

You can read additional information about TxLOR development in the TDL Wiki.

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