TDL Update Newsletter, December 2006

Working Groups

The ETD group continues work on a Common Submission System for Electronic Theses and Dissertations. They have developed a prototype interface for submitting users that will employ Shibboleth and the state interagency authentication system for user authentication/authorization. The five step process includes a licensing agreement explaining that TDL takes custody only of a copy, and does not claim any ownership of the document.

The Computing Infrastructure group developed directions and initial project timing for a preservation network designed to provide for long-term maintenance of digital objects. The project objective is to build a TDL-wide Preservation Network (PresNet) that will be OAIS compliant using TDR as a guide. The network will provide service interfaces to member institutions’ repositories, store the digital objects in a geographically decentralized manner, and ensure that there are multiple copies throughout the system. All interaction with the PresNet will be through repository front ends whether they are a centralized TDL service or an institution’s local repository instance. Access to the items in the PresNet would be through the submitting repository systems. Initial test implementation is planned for summer 2007.

The Repositories group is conducting a survey to better understand what faculty need in a Learning Object Repository. Currently, they have surveyed approximately two-thirds of the University of Texas faculty, focusing on those who use the Blackboard course management systems. A first draft of the General Repositories Policies statement is being reviewed by the working group, which anticipates releasing a final draft in April 2007. Manakin is in beta testing and will be released by the OR 07 conference.

The Web Oversight group is preparing for implementation of the content management system for updates to the TDL web site, which will allow more frequent news announcements and updates to the list of participating institutions. The group will be requesting volunteers for help with testing the site as we work on refining its interface.

New Members

New members of the Texas Digital Library include Angelo State University, the University of Texas at Arlington, Baylor University, the University of Texas at Brownsville, the University of Texas at Dallas, the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, the University of North Texas, and Texas State University. Active discussions are underway with a number of other institutions. For information on TDL membership please email

Coming in January

The Second International Conference on Open Repositories will be held January 23-26, 2007, in San Antonio. Program details and registration information is available at:

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