The Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, sponsored by the Texas Digital Library, is an annual conference dedicated to exploring topics relevant to the creation and promotion of digital libraries at Texas institutions of higher learning. The 3rd annual TCDL will be held May 27-28, 2009, at the University of Texas at Austin.
Topics of particular interest for the 2009 conference include:
- Linked data;
- Enhancing and augmenting digital services by connecting digital libraries to other data sources;
- Creating digital library services for a broad range of users.
Extended abstracts are due to the Program Committee no later than April 6, 2009, and should be sent to Mark Phillips, TCDL Program Committee Chairman, at Abstracts must be no more than 500 words, written in English and double spaced. If your abstract is accepted, you will be notified by April 20, 2009. Final presentations will be due on May 1.
For more information about TCDL 2009 please visit the TCDL 2009 event page, or contact Texas Digital Library Program Coordinator Ryan Steans at