TDL members, we need your help!
The Texas Digital Library is compiling documentation and information about the TDL organization and its services into a comprehensive guidebook for new and prospective members, as well as for long-time partners in the consortium.
To assure that this document is both useful and complete, we are enlisting the help of our members by releasing a draft of the document and soliciting feedback on what needs to be added, dropped, or changed.
Download the document here: TDL Member Guide (Draft)
The TDL Guide is intended to provide essential information about membership in the Texas Digital Library – information that will (a) assure that new and existing members get the most out of their membership in the consortium and (b) inform prospective members about what it means to belong to TDL. Currently, the TDL Guide includes the following:
- General information about the TDL and membership in the consortium
- Information about TDL technical infrastructure
- Descriptions of all TDL services and projects
- Information on how to claim and set up TDL services
- A quick reference guide with important phone numbers and “how-to” information
- Copies of TDL marketing flyers, including a brochure for faculty
Please feel free to download the draft of the TDL Guide and provide any feedback to using the subject line “TDL Guide.” You may also contact TDL program coordinator Ryan Steans by phone at 512-495-4403.
The deadline for feedback is Friday, September 10.
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