TDL to attend Texas ETD Association conference February 10

keyboard with symbol of graduation capThe Texas Digital Library will be attendance at the annual conference of the Texas ETD Association conference to be held February 10, 2011, on the UT Arlington campus.

At the conference, TDL program coordinator Ryan Steans will co-present with UT Austin’s Renee Babcock on ETD embargoes and other policy-related questions.

The Texas ETD Association exists is to provide a network of support for professionals in the state of Texas who work with electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), and to connect them with organizations and resources that enrich the work they do. The theme of the 2011 conference is “Making It Click: Building Connections with ETD Professionals.” The conference is designed for ETD professionals, as well as university administrators and other staff.

Details about the conference, including registration information, are available on the 2011 TxETDA Conference website.

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