As it does each week, the TDL software development team held a public sprint review on January 20 at 2:30 PM to demonstrate work completed on the TDL Preservation Network (PresNet).
The sprint review held Thursday afternoon demonstrated internal infrastructure development that, while it did not yield any new functionality for PresNet, is necessary “cleanup” work that prepares the code for future enhancements that are more customer-facing.
Among other things, this infrastructure work dealt with improving code testing and logging capabilities, as well as evaluation of a new application framework to replace Grails.
The user stories covered in this sprint review are listed below, with links to JIRA, the online application used by the team to track progress.
User Stories for PresNet Sprint 13
- [PRE-147] – Introduce PMD and Cobertura
- [PRE-148] – Remove Grails Framework
- [PRE-149] – Create static dependencies
- [PRE-150] – Decompose PresNet into Components
- [PRE-151] – Introduce SLF4J
- [PRE-152] – Introduce TestNG
For more information about TDL sprint reviews, which are open to the public, please see the TDL Wiki.