The Texas Digital Library invites members to get a look inside the TDL software development process by attending the regular demonstrations held by our software team at the end of each development cycle. The next of these demonstrations will take place Thursday, January 13, at 2:30 PM.
As a part of the Scrum methodology used by the TDL development team, TDL holds a public demonstration of software development work at the end of each development cycle, or “sprint.” These demonstrations, called Sprint Reviews, are open to anyone who wishes to attend and observe, either in-person or remotely, and the TDL encourages members to come and observe the progress being made on high-priority development efforts, including Vireo, the TDL Preservation Network, and the Texas Learning Object Repository. (Read more about Scrum in the TDL Wiki.)
Currently, the team is organizing work into one-week sprints, so a Sprint Review will be held each week on Thursday at 2:30 PM. Those in Austin may attend in person at the TDL offices in Perry-Castañeda Library (PCL 1.402).Remote attendees will be able to join via teleconference and Adobe Connect.
January 13 Sprint Review
The next Sprint Review will take place Thursday, January 13 at 2:30 PM. The Review will demonstrate work completed during Sprint 12 for the TDL Preservation Network.
To join the Review, you must dial in to the TDL conference phone line (for audio) and log in to an Adobe Connect web session to view the demonstration.
- To join the conference phone line, dial 1-877-531-0114. Enter *3945934* when prompted. (The star key must be entered before and after the “room” number.)
- To join the Adobe Connect web session, go to A screen will prompt you for a guest name but no other login is required to view the demonstration.
Guidelines for Attendance
If you decide to attend a Sprint Review, we ask that you read the concise documentation in the TDL Wiki for more information about how to attend and what to expect, as well as some general etiquette guidelines for participation in a Sprint Review.
About the Sprint Review (How to Attend and What to Expect)
Sprint Review Etiquette
About Scrum