PresNet development continues – sprint review scheduled for March 24

The Texas Digital Library invites members to join us this Thursday, March 24, at 2:30 PM for the TDL’s weekly Sprint Review. During a Sprint Review, TDL developers demonstrate scheduled work completed on key software development projects. These reviews are open to the public and can be attended in person or remotely via web and phone conferencing tools. (See below for details on how to attend.)

What: Public Sprint Review and Demo
Where: TDL Offices and Online
When: Thursday, March 24 at 2:30 PM
Project: Preservation Network (Sprint 16)
More about Sprint Reviews: TDL Wiki (Includes information about Sprint Review Etiquette.)

This week’s Sprint Review will focus on the TDL Preservation Network (PresNet), an on-going effort to create a robust infrastructure for long-term storage of digital information at geographically distributed storage nodes. Specifically, the team will continue work this week on creating a DSpace plug-in that enables repository managers to select communities and collections to be sent to the Preservation Network and view their status. (Please note that the functionality to be demonstrated on Thursday is in early beta and will not be available for use in “live” production repositories immediately.)

How to Attend the Sprint Review

To join the Review, you must dial in to the TDL conference phone line (for audio) and log in to an Adobe Connect web session to view the demonstration.

  • To join the conference phone line, dial 1-877-531-0114. Enter *3945934* when prompted. (The star key must be entered before and after the “room” number.)
  • To join the Adobe Connect web session, go to A screen will prompt you for a guest name but no other login is required to view the demonstration.

Anyone in Austin who wishes to attend the sprint review in person can come to TDL offices in the Perry- Castañeda Library at UT Austin. The TDL office is located on the 1st floor of the library in room 1.402.

For more information about Sprint Reviews and the TDL development process, visit the TDL Wiki.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me by phone at 512-495-4403 or e-mail at


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