Check out the latest issue of TDL Update, the newsletter of the Texas Digital Library, to discover the latest news and learn how TDL is working with its members to advance scholarly communication.
You can read the newsletter in either HTML or PDF format.
In the June issue, TDL co-directors John Leggett and Mark McFarland discuss organizational and governance changes that TDL is currently undergoing. Additionally, the newsletter includes:
- A feature story on the 6th International Conference on Open Repositories, which UT Libraries and Texas Digital Library hosted in June
- A story on Vireo Users Group chair Laura Hammons, who recently won an ETD Leadership Award for her significant contributions to the worldwide ETD movement
- A report on Vireo usage in the Spring 2011 semester
- News about the USETDA Conference, where Ryan Steans spoke about the TDL’s Federated ETD Collection
- An introduction of Ladd Hanson, a senior IT manager at UT Libraries who will oversee TDL’s production efforts
- An update on software development and other technical efforts at TDL
- The summer schedule for the TDL Training Program at Baylor
For suggestions about content for the TDL Update, please contact Kristi Park at