TCDL 2013 Call for Proposals

The 2013 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, sponsored by the Texas Digital Library, will be held in Austin, Texas, on May 7th and 8th.  The TCDL 2013 planning committee invites you to share your proposals for participation at TCDL 2013.

The Texas Conference on Digital Libraries covers topics relevant to the creation, promotion, and preservation of research, scholarship, and cultural heritage digital materials. The goal of TCDL 2013 is to bring together those working on library-related digital projects — including outreach librarians, repository managers, cataloguers, technical staff, and others — in order to build a practical, usable and sustainable model for digital libraries.

TCDL 2013 has multiple avenues for participation, including individual presentations, panel sessions, posters, workshops and tutorials, and “birds of a feather” sessions. All completed presentations will be published on the conference website.

Possible presentation topics include:

  • Case studies and best practices
  • Domain-specific challenges (cultural heritage, web archiving, medical records, scientific data, etc.)
  • Data Management and Data Management Planning
  • Digital Preservation strategies
  • Digital Humanities
  • Theoretical perspectives
  • Outreach strategies
  • Intersections of social media and digital libraries
  • Metadata
  • Mobile Technologies to provide access to digital libraries
  • Digital Archives and special collections
  • Scholarly Communication
  • Big Data
  • Open Access

Proposals on other topics of interest to a digital libraries audience are welcome.



Presentations may focus on practical work, theoretical or speculative issues, or on-going or completed research. Accepted presentations will be organized into thematic sessions or may be combined into joint/collaborative sessions. Submissions for individual presentations should include a one-page proposal that provides the following details:

  • title
  • abstract (a brief description of the presentation)
  • speaker information (i.e., name, title, institution, and email address for each presenter)


Proposals for panel sessions at TCDL 2013 are encouraged. Panel sessions should address a single topic from multiple perspectives and should engage the audience for a full 80-minute session.  Submissions for panel sessions should include a one-page proposal that provides the following details:

  • title
  • abstract (a brief description of the panel topic(s))
  • panelists’ information (i.e., name, title, institution, and email address for each panel participant and identify the moderator)


Submissions are encouraged for a special session for posters that report on emerging issues, works-in-progress, or innovative solutions. In addition to displaying their posters at the conference site, poster presenters will participate in a “Minute Madness” session, during which presenters for each poster will give a 60-second summary of the poster’s main points.

In your poster proposal, please include an abstract detailing the main theme(s) of your poster.

Easels will be available at the conference site, and foam board will be made available upon request. TCDL will be unable to provide power for multimedia displays. Additional details about poster requirements will be provided following acceptance.

Workshops, Tutorials & Demos, Birds of a Feather Sessions

Please submit an abstract of no more than one page that outlines the purpose and content of your workshop, tutorial, demonstration, or birds of a feather session. Also provide as much information as possible regarding your needs (including audio-visual needs) for the session.

Submissions for workshops, tutorials, demos and “birds of a feather” sessions will be judged on the merits of the proposals and the space and time available at the conference.

Workshops, tutorials, demos, and “birds of a feather” sessions will take place on May 8th in the afternoon.


November 12, 2012:  Call for Proposals

February 8, 2013:  Deadline for Proposal Submissions

March 15, 2013:  Notification of Acceptance

Note: No individual shall participate as a speaker in more than one presentation/panel session; however, presenters and panel speakers are welcome to participate in the poster sessions.

Also note: Accepted presenters, including co-presenters, panelists, and poster presenters, must register for the conference and pay applicable registration fees.


Proposals can be submitted through the conference website by clicking Proposal Submission in the menu on the right side of the page. You will be required to log into the system to submit a proposal.

  1. Log in to the conference website:

After clicking on the link, you will be taken to a login page. If you already have an account for the website, you can enter your existing account information. If you are new to the site, you must register by creating a new user account.

Creating a new account requires completing a few brief fields on a web form. Be sure that the AUTHOR checkbox is selected at the end of the form and click CREATE.

  1. Make the submission:

Once you have completed the form, you will be taken directly to the proposal submission section. Follow the instructions provided in the submission interface to submit your proposal

Need help? If you have questions about using the online submission system, please contact General questions about the conference can be directed to

Posted in Conferences, News, TCDL

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