Online registration for the 2014 International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC-2014) is now open. Discounted early registration rates are available through September 6.
The Texas Digital Library is pleased to serve as the local conference host for DC-2014, which will take place 8-11 October in Austin, Texas, at the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center.
Every year the DCMI community gathers for both its Annual Meeting and its International Conference on Dublin Core & Metadata Applications. The work agenda of the DCMI community is broad and inclusive of all aspects of innovation in metadata design, implementation and best practices. In addition to the peer reviewed papers, project reports and posters, a growing array of exciting Tutorials, Workshops & Special Sessions are under development to engage metadata researchers and practitioners in the latest innovations in modeling, design, technologies and best practices.
This year’s theme is “Metadata Intersections: Bridging the Archipelago of Cultural Memory.” Metadata is fundamental in enabling ubiquitous access to cultural and scientific resources through galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM). While fundamental, GLAM traditions in documentation and organization lead to significant differences in both their languages of description and domain practices. DC-2014 will explore the role of metadata in spanning the archipelago of siloed cultural memory in an emerging context of linked access to data repositories as well as repositories of cultural artifacts.
More information about the conference can be found on the conference website. If you have questions about DC-2014, please contact the TDL at