Texas Conference on Digital Libraries will be held April 27-28 in Austin, TX! TCDL covers topics regarding creation, promotion, and preservation of digital materials, including research, scholarly work, and cultural heritages.
Texas Conference on Digital Libraries will be held April 27-28 in Austin, TX! TCDL covers topics regarding creation, promotion, and preservation of digital materials, including research, scholarly work, and cultural heritages.
In October, the Texas Digital Library and its member libraries celebrated International Open Access Week, an annual global event that promotes the benefits of free and immediate access to research, OA Week 2014 took place October 20-26. Presentations from two Open Access Week events held in Texas are now available online.
The proceedings for the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications are now freely available online.
A recording of the Texas Digital Library webinar, which was webcast on September 30, 2014, is now available.