Digital Preservation Update for August 2018

Digital Preservation Management Workshop Highlights

We sat down with TDL members who took advantage of our recent Digital Preservation Management Workshop. Find out what they learned and how DPMW will help their careers and their institutions on our blog.

Monthly Call for Digital Preservation Members

Texas Digital Library will convene all digital preservation members for a monthly call to ask questions and discuss issues. Current TDL members who are using our digital preservation services include Angelo State University, Stephen F. Austin University, UT Rio Grande Valley, Trinity University, UT Austin, Baylor University, and Texas A&M University.

Training Opportunities

Archivematica Camp provides a space for anyone interested in or currently using Archivematica to come together, learn about the platform from other users, and share their experiences. Archivematica Camp will be held November 14-18, 2018 and hosted by the University of Houston Libraries in Houston, Texas. Check out the Archivematica wiki for more information.

DPN Deadline

A very important deadline is approaching for our DPN users: the Digital Preservation Network has set an ingest deadline of November 1. If you plan to ingest content into DPN, please contact TDL no later than October 1 so we can help coordinate and provide the best experience for everyone.

Helpful article: Getting Started with DPN

Interested in Digital Preservation Services?

As we move closer to the start of a new fiscal year, please let TDL know if you are interested in pursuing digital preservation services and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.

TDL’s Digital Preservation Services are available to full members or to affiliate members. See pricing information at You can find more information about our digital preservation services, including consultation and storage at or email us at

Posted in digital preservation, Events
