Call for Comment | ScholComm Services Assessment

Last year, SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) and  COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories), developed a set of  “Good Practice Principles for Scholarly Communication” that outline certain criteria for transparency, openness, and commitment to the aims of scholarship to which scholarly communication services providers should aspire. You can learn more about the principles here:

Viewing this resource as an opportunity for self-assessment, Texas Digital Library staff used these  principles to evaluate its own scholarly communications services that provide Open Access to scholarly content, as well as the platforms and policies relevant to them. 

TDL used this tool to assess the following scholarly communication service offerings: digital repository hosting (DSpace), research data management (Texas Data Repository), electronic theses and dissertation management (Vireo), and academic journal hosting (Open Journal Systems).  

TDL invites its members and partners to review this self-assessment, leave comments and questions, and make suggestions for each of the principles and services. This feedback may be incorporated into the final version of the self-assessment, which will be shared with the TDL governing board, member board, and the public. The self-assessment will be open for comment until April 1, 2020.

You can review our self-assessment here:  

Please contact TDL with questions or suggestions about these principles at

Become a member of TDL! All academic libraries are invited to join our consortium. Visit or email us at to learn more.

Posted in call for comment, Open Access, scholarly communication

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