The National Science Foundation has released its new Data Management Policy for researchers preparing grant proposals.
The National Science Foundation has released its new Data Management Policy for researchers preparing grant proposals.
The TDL software development team held a sprint review on Monday, August 23, to demonstrate work completed in preparation for deployment of the TDL Preservation Network.
The TDL software development team transferred all work related to the development of the TDL Preservation Network into JIRA Studio, a hosted software tool that facilitates more efficient software development.
The Library of Congress has produced a video that provides a nice beginner’s guide to some of the issues surrounding the long-term preservation of digital assets.
See the video here.
From the video’s description:
Traditional information sources such as books,
The TDL team has begun work to advance the development of a Preservation Network (PresNet) that will store multiple copies of TDL assets at geographically distributed nodes.
The New York Times highlighted the unique challenges of archival preservation of born-digital materials in an article published yesterday.
A Blue Ribbon Task Force formed in 2007 to investigate Sustainable Digital Preservation and Access has released its final report. You can read the full report here.
The Texas Digital Library and LEARN (the Lonestar Education and Research Network) have formed a strategic partnership that will support collaboration among Texas higher education institutions and scholars by enhancing access to online scholarly communication services and strengthening the preservation of digital assets.