TDL Journal Hosting

The Texas Digital Library (TDL) offers electronic journal hosting for peer-reviewed online journals as part of a suite of scholarly communication services available to member institutions.

For information on hosting an e-journal and support services through TDL, visit: TDL Electronic Journals.

TDL electronic journals are powered by Open Journal Systems (OJS), an open-source journal management and publication software produced by the Public Knowledge Project. The TDL provides the technical infrastructure for publishing academic, peer-reviewed online journals, as well as software support for the entire editorial workflow including author submission, peer-review, and copy editing.

Below are the academic journals hosted by the TDL:

AFA Watchbird: Journal of the American Federation of Aviculture, Inc.

The American Federation of Aviculture (AFA) is a 501 (c) 3 corporation that is recognized by the US Congress Office of Technology and Assessment as the nation’s grass roots organization of US bird breeders. Established in 1974, the purpose of AFA is to represent all aspects of aviculture and to educate the public about keeping and breeding birds in captivity.

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Advancing Women in Leadership Journal

Advancing Women In Leadership Journal (AWL), first publshed in 1997, represents the first on-line continuous open-access, professional, refereed journal for women in leadership. We publish manuscripts that report, synthesize, review, or analyze scholarly inquiry that focuses on women’s and gender issues in leadership.

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A Guide to Urban Planning in Texas Communities

Sponsored by the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association.

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American Association of Bovine Practitioners Conference Proceedings 

The Proceedings of the AABP Conference.

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Archivation Exploration

Archivation Exploration is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal presenting scholarly contributions on current topics of interest in academia informed by our past; articles and other literary artistic forms submitted for consideration using archival or special collection primary resource materials as well as references to recent publications will be given preference. This open access journal is published biannually in April and October.

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Ars Inveniendi Analytica

A peer-reviewed journal in Mathematical Analysis, holding to the highest scientific standards, completely free for authors and readers.

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Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation

Borrowers and Lenders: The Journal of Shakespeare and Appropriation is a peer-reviewed, online, multimedia journal that welcomes original scholarship engaging with the afterlives of Shakespearean texts and their literary, filmic, multimedia, and critical histories. It encourages contributors to use the online format to its best advantage, in particular, by imagining how to enhance or illustrate their essays with multimedia. B&L won the CELJ’s “Best New Journal” Award in 2007. B&L is fully indexed in the MLA Bibliography, the World Shakespeare Bibliography, and other databases. B&L is currently co-edited by Dr. Sujata Iyengar, Dr. Matt Kozusko, and Dr. Louise Geddes; correspondence should be submitted through the OJS3 interface or via email addressed to

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Case Studies in Strategic Communication

Case Studies in Strategic Communication (CSSC) is dedicated to the study of strategic communication through the case study form. Case studies illustrate the strategies, tactics, and execution of communication campaigns through in-depth coverage of a single situation. CSSC seeks case studies concerning all sectors, too: private companies (large and small), publicly traded corporations, non-profit organizations (large and small), political campaigns, government agencies (local and national), and educational institutions. In addition to success stories, CSSC also seeks case studies that explore failures, shortcomings, missed opportunities, and crises. Stories of failure are not often told in case study collections, but they sometimes yield the best lessons.

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CINE Y… Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies on Film in Spanish

Cine Y… is a scholarly journal dedicated exclusively to the study of film in Spanish, from the Department of Hispanic Studies at Texas A&M University. Containing open submission for all articles, book and film reviews, and interviews, all articles must be peer-reviewed. Most articles are published in English and relate Spanish films to a variety of topics, including but not limited to gender, psychology, history, society, and literature.

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Coastal Engineering Proceedings

The International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE) is a biennial conference held under the auspices of the Coastal Engineering Research Council of the COPRI (Coasts, Oceans, Ports, Rivers Institute) of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The Proceedings of the ICCE are provided here, with papers covering a wide range of topics including coastal waves, nearshore currents, coastal structures, sediment transport, coastal morphology, beach nourishment, and coastal management.

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Contemporary Research in Disability and Rehabilitation

The Contemporary Research in Disability and Rehabilitation (CRDR), is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed and open access journal, published quarterly by the School of Rehabilitation Services and Counseling at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. This journal is designed to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration by publishing innovative empirical research germane to disability, rehabilitation counseling, allied health, and other disability-related fields. In addition to original empirical research, the CRDR publishes conceptual manuscripts, position papers, comprehensive literature reviews, intensive case studies, and research critiques.

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Sponsored by Angelo State University

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Curriculum History

Curriculum History provides a forum to share research related to scholarly study of curriculum history and discussion of research inquiries into curriculum history.

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Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning

The Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning (ABSEL) is an international pedagogical conference that examines all aspects of teaching. Strong emphasis is placed on experiential learning, especially simulations, but all areas of pedagogy are welcome. The Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning is the proceedings for the conference. This online, peer-reviewed journal contains the complete (text searchable) archives for this conference, since its inception in 1974.

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Dual Language Research & Practice Journal

The DLRPJ mission is to publish manuscripts that report, synthesize, review, and analyze scholarly inquiry that focuses on dual language and bilingual education issues. In doing so, the journal aims to provide opportunities for scholarship that promotes a critical view on dual language issues in education, shining a spotlight on social justice and capacity building in a global society.

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Education Law & Policy Brief Journal

The purpose of the Education Law and Policy Briefs Journal (ELPBJ) is to help policymakers in advancing their knowledge and understanding of a variety of policies in learning through a focus of high-quality briefs. The briefs may be about existing policies or may inform new policy based on research. Additionally, there may be comparative analyses published related to policy.

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FIRE: Forum of International Research in Education

This journal is intended to disseminate research regarding family and consumer sciences education. Research articles as well as promising practices are presented to help teacher educators across the country strengthen their teacher education programs.

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Instars – A Journal of Undergraduate Entomological Research

Instars is a journal of undergraduate research curated by the entomology department at Texas A&M University. The journal is edited and peer-reviewed by student editors within the department. Submissions to this journal will be reviewed by a group of editors and peer-reviewers, and those articles chosen for publication will be edited by staff members to ensure high publication quality.

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International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research (IJGER)

International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research (ISSN 2332-2047) is an international journal that aims to provide a forum for discussion among researchers in geography and related fields. “International” refers to the full range of scales of research from local to global, as well as the origin of authors. “Geospatial and Environmental” refers to the range of topics covered by the journal. It covers all fields of geography, both human and physical, and environmental research that has an explicit spatial dimension. The journal places particular emphasis on geospatial technologies, such as geographic information system, remote sensing, and spatial analysis. Research demonstrating theoretical improvement or novel applications of geospatial technologies is particularly welcome.

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Journal of African American Women and Girls in Education (JAAWGE)

The Journal of African American Women and Girls in Education (JAAWGE) encourages scholarly submissions from education researchers and practitioners which address the unique realities of African American women and girls in education. Submissions should have clearly identified recommendations for research, theory, and practice which can lead to the improved educative outcomes for African American women and/or girls as students, teachers, faculty, staff, administrators, or mothering in P-20 educational contexts. We are the sister journal to the Journal of African American Males in Education (JAAME).

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Journal of Analytic Theology

The Journal of Analytic Theology is an open access, international journal that twice annually published articles, book reviews, and book symposia that explore theological and meta-theological topics in a manner that prizes terminological clarity and argumentative rigor. This includes historical studies that seek to elucidate conceptual challenges or explore strategies for addressing them.

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Journal of Athlete Centered Coaching

The Journal of Athlete Centered Coaching, first published in 2016, is the first online continuous open access public journal for sport coaching professionals and academicians. This collection of articles offers academic sport coaching insights that add tremendous value to the coaching profession. International Scholars from New Zealand, the U.K., U.S.A., & Canada have contributed to this collection to help advance, from a scholarly perspective, athlete centered coaching practice. The Journal is supported by Texas Woman’s University, the largest public university primarily for women in the United States of America.

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Journal of Border Educational Research

The articles presented in the Journal of Border Educational Research represent various views and perspectives on educational practices and concerns within cross-cultural settings. Included topics cover field-based experiences, action research, descriptions of successful educational practices, and position papers that address issues faced by students, teachers, and other professionals in border regions and other cross-cultural situations.

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Journal of Business Strategies

The Journal of Business Strategies is a multidisciplinary journal published by the Center for Business and Economic Development at Sam Houston State University. The Journal welcomes empirical and theoretical articles, as well as case studies from all fields in business and economics.

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Journal of College Academic Support Programs

Published twice a year during the Spring and Fall academic semesters, the Journal of College Academic Support Programs (J-CASP) publishes articles relevant to developmental education and learning support in Texas. The J-CASP is sponsored and made possible by the Texas Chapter of the College Reading and Learning Association, the Texas Association for Developmental Education, and the Graduate Program in Developmental Education at Texas State University.

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Journal of Digital Information

First publishing papers in 1997, the Journal of Digital Information is an electronic-only peer-reviewed journal covering the broad topics related to digital libraries, hypertext and hypermedia systems and digital repositories, and the issues of digital information. The Journal of Digital Information is supported by the University of Texas Libraries and Texas A&M University Libraries and hosted by the Texas Digital Library.

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Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education

This journal is intended to disseminate research regarding family and consumer sciences education. Research articles as well as promising practices are presented to help teacher educators across the country strengthen their teacher education programs.

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Journal of Forensic Entomology

The Journal of Forensic Entomology is the official journal of the North American Forensic Entomological Association, the research arm of forensic entomology in North America.

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Journal of Homeland and National Security Perspectives

The Journal of Homeland and National Security Perspectives is a peer-reviewed journal showcasing original student research coming out of Angelo State University’s Center for Security Studies.

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Journal of Instructional Techniques in Finance

JITF is a periodical editorially refereed journal that seeks articles concerning innovative and effective teaching techniques and tools for educators, and especially techniques designed to enhance the students’ experience in finance courses at the college.

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Journal of Interactive Veteran Experiences

The Journal of Interactive Veteran Experiences (JIVE) is an innovative journal that is designed to serve the student veteran population at Texas State University. The journal is open access and will publish regular editions that highlight scholarly and creative works by students who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

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Journal of Open Initiatives in Academic Libraries

The Journal of Open Initiatives in Academic Libraries will provide a roadmap for best practices, current trends, and future directions of open scholarly practices, including open science, open pedagogy, open education, open publishing, open data, etc. The journal will aim to promote interdisciplinary collaboration.

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Journal of Regulatory Science

The Journal of Regulatory Science (JRS) is an online open-access journal intended for scholars with an interest in regulatory science. JRS publishes free of charge, peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts, proposed standard evaluations and rapid communications to advance the discipline of regulatory science. JRS is devoted to the consideration of risk management tools, standards and practices to improve the protection and compliance of regulated products.

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Journal of Research on Women and Gender

The Journal of Research on Women and Gender is a peer-reviewed online electronic publication. The mission of the journal is to promote critical dialogue about the experiences of women and persons of various gender identities in diverse cultural contexts. The journal welcomes manuscripts that give voice to the unique and varied expressions of women and various genders. It is an interdisciplinary publication that welcomes qualitative research, quantitative research, pedagogical work, and creative projects.

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Journal of Sport and Human Performance

The Journal of Sport and Human Performance aims to publish original research and reviews on cutting-edge training methods, novel products, and ergogenic aides used to enhance performance in athletics, preventative health and fitness, and to improve health and medical care.

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Journal of Universality of Global Education Issues

The Journal of Universality of Global Education Issues supports the collaborative approach to teaching and research while developing inclusive international educational opportunities for all.

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Journal of Urban Mathematics Education

A journal dedicated to the scholarship of engagement of mathematics in urban communities.

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Journal of the Texas Tech University Ethics Center

A scholarly journal focused on ethics sponsored by the Texas Tech University Ethics Center, featuring research and opinion from thinkers in higher education and beyond on the role of ethics in the contemporary world.

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Journal of the Vernacular Music Center

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is a transdisciplinary journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect virtual worlds research.

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Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is a transdisciplinary journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect virtual worlds research.

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Library Leadership & Management

Library Leadership & Management (LL&M) is the journal of the Library Leadership and Management Association. LL&M focuses on assisting library administrators and managers at all levels as they deal with day-to-day challenges. In-depth articles address a wide variety of management issues and highlight examples of successful management methods used in libraries. Features include interviews with prominent practitioners in libraries and related fields, and columns with practical advice on managing libraries.

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The Measure

The Measure: A Journal of Undergraduate Research, is a refereed journal dedicated to publishing undergraduate research from courses in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Sam Houston State University. Students enrolled in a CHSS course during the academic year are eligible to submit their work for publication consideration, whether or not they are majoring in one of the disciplines in the college. The Measure is guided by these central principles: undergraduate research is a vital component of higher education; students enhance their education when they engage in original research to make an intellectual contribution to the discipline; research shared with a broader audience enhances learning outcomes; and faculty members contribute to society when they involve undergraduates in research opportunities.

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Plaza: Dialogues in Language and Literature

Plaza publishes works by graduate students on literature, composition studies, folklore, cultural studies, language studies, and gender studies.

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Poetess Archive Journal

The Poetess Archive Journal publishes articles relevant to eighteenth- and nineteenth-century popular poetry, especially that which has been published in the literary annuals, and to issues of digitization and the digital humanities generally as well as book history. Library annuals were the bookish performance art of the early 19th century, profitable commercially but also designed to give access to culture, high and low, by fostering new modes of literary consumption. The screen similarly reconfigures aesthetic apprehension, in the early 21st century, and the articles in this journal explore these new modes as well.

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Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Communication

Sponsored by Texas A&M University.

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Practical Academic Librarianship: The International Journal of the SLA Academic Division

Peer-reviewed journal for librarians serving academic departments or affiliated institutions including centers, institutes, specialized collections, and special units within or related to academic units.

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Purpose and scope of journal Praxis is the electronic journal of the Sam Houston State University Center for Music Education. The purpose of the journal is to complement the mission of the Center for Music Education by: developing and disseminating resources for practicing music educators, stimulating thought, research, and conversation for the benefit of the profession and providing an avenue for exploring a diverse range of issues, ideas, and topics that are relevant to the practice of music education and its relationship to art, teaching, performance, and culture.

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Proceedings of the Art of Death and Dying Symposium

The University of Houston Libraries, in partnership with the Blaffer Art Museum, the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts, the Department for Hispanic Studies, the Honors College, and School of Art hosted a three-day symposium titled “The Art of Death and Dying” on October 24-27, 2012. This publication includes selected papers from the symposium.

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Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program

International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Publications Services publishes expedition reports and research results for IODP’s three platform science operators: JOIDES Resolution Science Operator (JRSO; riserless research vessel JOIDES Resolution); Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering (MarE3; riser drilling vessel Chikyu); and European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) Science Operator (ESO; mission-specific platforms). Expedition publications are accessed by international researchers and scientists, as well citizen scientists and the public.

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READ: An Online Journal for Literacy Educators is a peer-reviewed publication of the Department of Language, Literacy, and Special Populations (LLSP) ) at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. The READ journal constitutes a forum for research and issues related to literacy education. Submissions address an audience of teachers, teacher educators, and administrators

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Reviews: The Journal of Journal Reviews

RJJR is a scholarly publication that will invite peer-reviewed evaluations of journals, both open and paywalled, from across the world. RJJR is a place for authors to find and share useful information about unfamiliar journals in a format that emphasizes the subjective, nuanced nature of this challenge.

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Social Sciences Research Journal

Angelo State University (ASU) Social Sciences Research Journal aims to recognize ASU undergraduate and graduate students in the department of Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work for their scholarly accomplishments, promote scholarly investigation, and provide an opportunity for them to present their social sciences work in a selective journal. As an outlet for student research, we hope to provide opportunities to widely disseminate the results of their efforts.

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Society for the Study of Curriculum History

The Curriculum History Journal is published annually by the Society for the Study of Curriculum History. The Society is interested in publishing manuscripts relating to the history of education manuscripts on topics both within the United States and abroad will be considered for publication. Scholars are encouraged to use this venue to present reports of their research on topics in the history of education, broadly conceived.

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Southeast Business Research Association Journal

The Southeast Business Research Journal (SEBRAJ) is affiliated with both the Southeast Business Research Association (SEBRA) and the Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA). Both organizations are composed of active academic researchers and educators in a broad range of disciplines including business, education, academic administration, medicine, law, etc.

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Southeast Case Research Journal

The Southeast Case Research Journal (SECRJ) publishes academic cases, case research articles, articles on case pedagogy primarily in fields related to Business, Education, and the Health Sciences.

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Texas Education Review

The Texas Education Review (TxEd) is an open-access, online, student peer-reviewed journal carrying original empirical and theoretical educational research. Accepting submissions on a rolling basis, they consider pieces that address sociopolitical, economic, cultural, and organizational issues in education. TxEd invites practitioners, policy-makers, activists, and researchers, as well as emerging and faculty scholars to submit manuscripts and editorials on contemporary “Critical Issues” in education. Submissions should be aimed at analyzing, evaluating, problematizing, and/or publishing educational scholarship forward.

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Texas New Deal Review

Between 1933 and 1943, various New Deal organizations provided funds and jobs for thousands of Texans, changing lives and the way people lived. The Texas New Deal Review provides a place where scholars of the New Deal can share their research studies so others may read their work. While associated with the New Deal Symposium, attendance and presentation at a Symposium is not a requirement for submitting manuscripts to the Review.

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Texas State Undergraduate Research Journal

The Texas State University Undergraduate Research Journal (TXSTUR) is a multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal that accepts submissions of original work from TXST undergraduates in all disciplines. We encourage students to submit excellent papers written for classes, research supported by the Undergraduate Research Fellowships (URF), adapted portions of their theses or capstone projects, or any other research-based writing they believe is of publishable merit. All TXSTUR articles are reviewed by faculty experts and an editorial board of TXST graduate and undergraduate students.

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Texas Water Journal

The Texas Water Journal is an online peer-reviewed journal devoted to the timely consideration of Texas water resources management and policy issues from a multidisciplinary perspective that integrates science, engineering, law, planning, and other disciplines. It also provides updates on key state legislation and policy changes by Texas administrative agencies.

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Texas Woman’s University Student Journal

The TWU Student Journal (TWUSJ) is an interprofessional publication devoted to sharing original writing and research by TWU students. It is an open-access, peer-reviewed scholarly publication that provides opportunities for students to disseminate current research and other scholarly works to worldwide audiences.

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texture: a journal of humanistic inquiry

texture is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal of humanistic inquiry that is edited and published by the editorial board of TXSTUR (the Texas State Undergraduate Research Journal) and the Honors Peer Writing Mentors, a seminar / preceptorship of 6 to 8 undergraduates that takes place each spring semester. The new journal welcomes submissions by undergraduates in fields including (but not limited to) the humanities and social sciences that explore the rich texture of the human experience. texture will be published at the end of each spring semester in online and print form.

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The Bovine Practitioner 

The Bovine Practitioner is the official journal of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) to promote the art and science of bovine medicine, surgery, reproduction, diagnostics, beef and dairy production, and cattle welfare. It also considers manuscripts covering similar topics for small ruminants. It has been continuously published since January 1967.  The AABP is a professional non-profit member organization representing cattle veterinarians.

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The CEA Forum

The CEA Forum is the online peer-reviewed journal of teaching and learning for the College English Association. It publishes praxis-oriented articles that address pedagogical theory, classroom practice, and ideas about the profession of teaching college English. The CEA Forum is published twice a year (January and August), and is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography.

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The International Journal of Structural Changes in Solids

We intend this this open access journal to serve as a platform for synergistic interaction among academic and research institutions and engineers in industry on all aspects of structural changes in solids.

Thus the aim of this journal is to bring together researchers and engineers whose interest lie in the mechanics and applications of micro and macro changes that occur (or can be handled) in a wide range of solids. Such changes would relate to phenomena in metals, ceramics, polymers, and biomaterials such as inelasticity, solid to solid phase transformations, buckling and similar instabilities that can be usefully exploited, growth, properties of multiconstituent materials, aging, damage, and time dependent effects.

The range of subjects include (but are not limited to) materials processing (of metals and polymers) to tailor the microstructure of a material for desirable characteristics, modeling and development of components and devices such as shape memory alloys and polymers) that utilize field induced structural changes to provide a smart response, especially focused towards practical guidance for scientists and engineers working in this area.

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The National Journal of Urban Education and Practice

The National Journal of Urban Education & Practice (NJUEP) is a peer reviewed journal. The journal is committed to providing literature and resources that contribute to the building of urban professionals that are caring, committed, and culturally responsive. NJUEP publishes conceptual, empirical, qualitative, and mixed methods articles that contribute to new knowledge and ideas in the quest for educating urban teachers and learners.

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The Public Access Computer Systems Review

The Public Access Computer Systems Review was the first open access journal in the field of library and information science. It covered issues such as digital libraries, electronic publishing, the Internet, and online catalogs.

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The Southwestern Geographer

The Southwestern Geographer (SWG) is the Southwest Division of the Association of American Geographers’ (SWAAG) online, peer-reviewed journal. The journal welcomes research papers on any topic written by geographers who reside in the states that comprise SWAAG (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas). The journal also invites research paper submissions by scholars residing elsewhere on any topic that pertains to the geography of the southwestern United States or northern Mexico. SWAAG exists to further professional investigations in geography, to encourage the application of geographic findings in education, government, and business, and to improve and elevate the public image of geography.

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The Mission of Tourniquet is to create an online environment for Texas medical students and healthcare providers that fosters the values listed below. It will serve as a concrete symbol of medical history in the local community, providing a visual and written archive. We seek to promote medical education through the media of research, writing, relationships, and art. Our goal is to become the premiere medical publication in Texas while fostering interdisciplinary relationships that will ultimately benefit patients and the Texan community at large. 

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VENUE: A Digital Journal of the Midwest Art History Society

The journal serves as a venue for the publication of outstanding peer-reviewed and edited content primarily relating to themes of significance to the Midwest Art History Society (MAHS) and its members. Material may take the form of scholarly essays on a chosen art historical theme or national contemporary issue that develops based on the conference’s keynote lecture and/or a group of related sessions, a foundational figure in MAHS’s history, a particular Midwestern art collection, or historiography of art historical scholarship. Although MAHS was originally founded in 1973 as a Midwest organization, its board of directors, membership, and conference participants are drawn from across the country. It is a recognized affiliated society of the College Art Association.

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World Journal for Sand Therapy Practice

World Journal for Sand Therapy PracticeTM is dedicated to the publishing and dissemination of original research, theoretical application, practice articles, case studies, literature reviews, book reviews, current issues and concerns, in the area of sand therapy. The journal promotes the goals of the World Association of Sand Therapy ProfessionalsTM, which is to promote the ethical practice of sand therapy.

World Journal for Sand Therapy PracticeTM is an international peer-reviewed, online, Open-Access, rolling-publishing journal. The members of WASTP provide this journal to the world free of charge to promote the ethical practice of the wide array of sand therapies.

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