Digital Preservation with DuraCloud@TDL

DuraCloud@TDL provides members of the Texas Digital Library with a cost-effective and easy-to-use platform which supports our various digital preservation storage options. Digital Preservation Services members can control their costs, enjoy predictability for service, and rely on known, durable technologies and good practices for ensuring the integrity of their digital treasures.

DuraCloud@TDL is the Texas Digital Library’s hosted version of Lyrasis’  DuraCloud™ open-source technology that facilitates storage of digital content within cloud-based storage providers.


How It Works: Spaces, Ingest Tools, and Storage Options

Participating TDL Digital Preservation Services members receive a “Space” in DuraCloud@TDL for ingesting content, along with an annual allowance for “free” storage through DuraCloud@TDL based on its membership level. (More about the member allowance here.)

  • TDL members can upload content to DuraCloud@TDL via two methods (DurAdmin for single files or DuraCloud Sync for batch upload). Content is uploaded into a “Space” within DuraCloud™ created just for that member. (More about ingestion methods here.)
  • Currently, the DuraCloud@TDL offers three different storage options for members — two in the Amazon Cloud and a cultural heritage-based hosted option, Chronopolis. Content ingested into a DuraCloud@TDL space can be stored in any combination of our storage options. (More about storage options here.)
  • Content is ingested via TDL’s DuraCloud and passes through Amazon S3 Standard. Copies may remain in S3 Standard and be stored in any combination of S3 Standard, Glacier Flexible Retrieval, and/or Chronopolis.

TDL Digital Preservation Storage Diagram

More about DuraCloud@TDL Spaces

DuraCloud@TDL users manage preservation in unique, user-managed areas called “Spaces” within the DuraCloud environment.

  • A Space is a flat file that initially appears on a single storage option (Amazon S3 Standard), but which can be replicated to appear in any combination of the 3 TDL storage options.
  • Initially, all Spaces are available for viewing only by the institutional manager and TDL administrators.

TDL Account Setup and Support

TDL member institutions who wish to begin using Digital Preservation Services using DuraCloud@TDL must request permission for an account from TDL Support.

DuraCloud™ is open source software developed by Lyrasis.Lyrasis logo