April and May training sessions offer advanced instruction on DSpace

DSpace logoTwo courses remain in the TDL’s spring training schedule: Intermediate and advanced users of DSpace have a couple of opportunities to learn more about customizing and administering DSpace repositories at their institutions.

April 22, 2010 – DSpace Customization

An intermediate-level course for system administrators and repository managers. The course teaches skills for customizing the look-and-feel of DSpace repositories, as well as the display of repository data.

May 27, 2010 – DSpace Systems

An advanced-level course for system administrators responsible for maintaining DSpace installations. The course covers topics such as backup and restoration, data protection, user authentication, and batch import procedures.

Both courses are full-day sessions (9 AM to 4 PM) and will take place in the Dutton Avenue Office & Parking Facility on the Baylor University campus. Registration for each course is $50.

More information about TDL training generally and these courses specifically can be found in the training section of the TDL website. Or you may contact the TDL Program Coordinator at info@tdl.org.

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