Development Update: TxLOR sprint review held June 9

TxLOR logoThe TDL technical team held a sprint review on Friday, July 9, to demonstrate work completed during the ninth sprint for the Texas Learning Object Repository (TxLOR) project. The two-week sprint began June 28.

Under a contract with the University of Texas System, the TDL is developing software for a statewide learning object repository, which will store and disseminate materials used in teaching and learning. The team uses Scrum, a software development methodology that breaks work into short iterations (or “sprints”), each of which delivers a prioritized set of functional requirements. Each functional requirement is called a “user story” in the Scrum vocabulary.

Sprint 9, as well as the sprint that preceded it, have been devoted to “hardening,” or polishing up, the software in preparation for a Fall 2010 release.

During the course of Sprint 9, the team completed the following user stories.

  • Completed the setup of production hardware for TxLOR and prepared the system for staging.
  • Added functionality for role-specific submissions. Specifically, created separate metadata sets for academic contributors and medical contributors.
  • Created functionality for adding individual assets to the repository as well as “learning objects.” Individual assets are single files, while learning objects can be compound objects that include multiple files, such as a complete lesson plan that includes planning documents, web resources, quizzes, and the like.

You can read more about TxLOR development and Scrum in the TDL Wiki.

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