Open Access Week Presentations Available Online

image of opening slide of OA Mythbusters presentation

The TDL’s Debra Hanken Kurtz and Kristi Park debunked myths about Open Access at a presentation at Baylor University during Open Access Week 2014. Presentation slides are available here and a recording of the presentation is here.

In October, the Texas Digital Library and its member libraries celebrated International Open Access Week, an annual global event that promotes the benefits of free and immediate access to research, OA Week 2014 took place October 20-26. Presentations from two Open Access Week events held in Texas are now available online.

The TDL’s Executive Director, Debra Hanken Kurtz, and Marketing Manager Kristi Park presented “Mythbusters: Debunking Misconceptions, Half Truths, and Outright Lies About OA Scholarly Publishing!” at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, on October 21st.

A recording of that event is available through the following link:

Additionally, TDL member UT Libraries held several events during Open Access Week. Dr. Erin McKiernan, an early-career researcher in neuroscience and an advocate for open access, open data, and open science, presented the keynote event in Austin on Friday October 17. Video of this event is below.

More information about TDL’s support of Open Access can be found here:



Posted in News, Open Access, Texas Digital Library

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